Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Have you ever met people that seemed to be impenetrable, like they are bubble-boys, protected/trapped under a plastic cover as hard as steel? It is both their greatest strength and greatest weakness. Their inviolability gives them the strength to go into any situation and come out completely mentally and psychologically unscathed. But energy and matter do not enter a closed system.

And perhaps it is a myth to think that anyone can really go through something and come out unscathed. Like university. Honestly, I feel like it takes two weeks for all the haraam to dissipate from my system. And I'm not just talking about eye treachery--I mean the constant rat-race, the desecration of the sacred and the confusion that swirls around our minds.

A good friend of mine, Haji, said to me, "Use your university days well. They are the best of the times." Somehow, sitting at home while my little brother reads Macbeth, I feel more hopeful. I will try, Haji.

And listen to this:


Don't ask me why I like this, I don't know why. But somehow Sami Yusuf and Outlandish manage to combine in a way that really seems to make my heart ache.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Once there was a very poor, poor man who worked outside all day.

One day after a tiring day at the fields, the man had enough money to buy three small loaves of bread and one tiny pretzel.

He was hungry so he ate the first loaf.

He was still hungry so he ate the second loaf.

He was still hungry so he ate the third loaf.

He was still hungry so he ate the pretzel.

After eating the pretzel he felt full. "What a fool I've been," he said to himself. "I should have just eaten the pretzel first!"

-a parable from Tolstoy (quoted in David Mamet's Three Uses for the Knife)

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Grade 4 and 5 students in North Bay ontario were asked to respond to the question, What does poverty mean? Following are their responses.

Poverty is...

Not being able to go to McDonald's.

Getting a basket from the Santa Fund.

Feeling ashamed when my dad can't get a job.

Not buying books at the book fair.

Not getting to go to birthday parties.

Hearing my mom and dad fight over money.

Not ever getting a pet because it costs too much.

Wishing you had a nice house.

Not being able to go camping.

Not being able to have your friends sleep over.

Pretending you forgot your lunch.

Being afraid to tell your mom that you need gym shoes.

Not having breakfast sometimes.

Not being able to play hockey.

Sometimes really hard because my mom gets scared and she cries.

Not being able to go to Cubs or play soccer.

Not being able to take swimming lessons.

Not being able to afford a holiday.

Not having pretty barettes for your hair.

Not having your own private backyard.

Being teased for the way you are dressed.

Not getting to go on school trips.
-Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition, 1998.

Quoted in "Sociology in Our Times" (Sociology 100 textbook)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Most of us are totally unable to see what is beyond the near and the close. The temporal surrounds us and blinds us. Why is it that we are capable of thinking about the world in such abstract and beautiful ways but we are still unable to do what we really need to do?

I think there was a study done on children and cookies: Children were put in a room and given a single cookie. They were told that if they didn't eat the cookie, after one hour they would be given two cookies. Surprisingly, most of the children ate the single cookie. Those that were able to wait were followed up many years later and were found to be highly successful people (if you define "success" to be fame and fortune).

If you forget everything, but remember this...then you have remembered.