Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Have you ever met people that seemed to be impenetrable, like they are bubble-boys, protected/trapped under a plastic cover as hard as steel? It is both their greatest strength and greatest weakness. Their inviolability gives them the strength to go into any situation and come out completely mentally and psychologically unscathed. But energy and matter do not enter a closed system.

And perhaps it is a myth to think that anyone can really go through something and come out unscathed. Like university. Honestly, I feel like it takes two weeks for all the haraam to dissipate from my system. And I'm not just talking about eye treachery--I mean the constant rat-race, the desecration of the sacred and the confusion that swirls around our minds.

A good friend of mine, Haji, said to me, "Use your university days well. They are the best of the times." Somehow, sitting at home while my little brother reads Macbeth, I feel more hopeful. I will try, Haji.

And listen to this:


Don't ask me why I like this, I don't know why. But somehow Sami Yusuf and Outlandish manage to combine in a way that really seems to make my heart ache.

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